Friday, August 22, 2008

Some further thoughts on " Do People Underinvest in their spiritual growth"

Some further thoughts on Do People Under-invest in their spiritual growth Part 2

1. In the second part of the above topic, it was mentioned that there are two types of positive externality in operation firstly because action of spiritual seekers benefits others for which the former group is not compensated. The second part of externality effect ( which was not fully explained earlier) arises because if beneficiaries are aware of the positive effects received due to spiritual efforts of others, they may well create some compensation mechanism to increase such benefits ( including their own self effort).

It may be added that it is not just unkown nature of final product but also underestimating the effecst and value of ongoing process that will bias efforts towards underinvestment ( taking example of long gestation projects- not knowing well enough income streams in early years)

2. we talked about parallel between conventional education and spiritual education with reference to positive externality. However impact of spiritual education may need more corroborative evidence and associated research work programme. Having said that, its effects nonetheless are being increasingly and implicitly accepted even in corporate circles as employees are increasingly encouraged to take up such programmes and/or facilities/resources allocated for such purposes. This can be interpreted with good reasons as sound "corporate investment" as benefits are reaped through higher productivity and/or lower absenteeism/sick leaves ( we can safely assume that average pay per day /sick leave is lower than average worker productivity in most cases)

3.Given the parallel between spiirtual quest and investment in long gestation projects, it is not just faith and hope but also perseverance & loyalty ( to "technology adopted") that are key ingredients for success

Further thoughts on "Do People underinvest in their spiritual growth"

Some further thoughts on Do People Under-invest in their spiritual growth Part 2

1. In the second part of the above topic, it was mentioned that there are two types of positive externality in operation firstly because action of spiritual seekers benefits others for which the former group is not compensated. The second part of externality effect ( which was not fully explained earlier) arises because if beneficiaries are aware of the positive effects received due to spiritual efforts of others, they may well create some compensation mechanism to increase such benefits ( including their own self effort).
2. we talked about parallel between conventional education and spiritual education with reference to positive externality. However impact of spiritual education may need more corroborative evidence and associated research work programme. Having said that, its effects nonetheless are being increasingly and implicitly accepted even in corporate circles as employees are increasingly encouraged to take up such programmes and/or facilities/resources allocated for such purposes. This can be interpreted with good reasons as sound “corporate investment” as benefits are reaped through higher productivity and/or lower absenteeism/sick leaves ( we can safely assume that average pay per day /sick leave is lower than average worker productivity in most cases)
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