This article shows how some of the conclusions of previous two articles can be deduced by extending Indifference curve approach of consumer theory.( as against previous version of this article, we need to assume that terrorists want to maintain same level of terror intensity- shown by each Iso-Terror curve to properly study effect of different situations/policy)
The graphs 1 above shows indifference curves as used in consumer theory. Each Indifference curve shows combination of bundles of X,Y that give same satisfaction to a consumer. Higher levels shows higher levels of satisfaction. The negative slope shows that for each unit reduction of a commodity Y, increase in X is required to maintain same level of satisfaction. Declining slope is outcome of assumption of declining marginal satisfaction from each additional unit of a good ( hence requiring increasing substitution of the other good) The line shows the relative prices of the two goods(slope) and the budget of consumer(intercept distance). If price of good X rises ceteris paribus, line becomes steeper and optimal bundle for consumer consist of fewer X and fewer or more Y(depending on nature of Y). The same logic applies to production of any good say bread, butter, guns or any produced good which uses combination of two factors of production labour and capital. In production theory, Indifference curves are called Isoquants ( Iso production curves).
We extend and apply this concept to analyzing terrorist acts as shown in graphs 2,3,4.
Terrorists acts can be targeted at enemy country or other places of enemy location (other Foreign countries, graph 2), either frequent low intensity attacks or high intensity infrequent attacks(graph 3) , involve low domestic component/inputs/support or high domestic inputs(graph 4) ( here domestic component means support from sources based in target country)
When a country tightens domestic security, cost/risk of failed of attacks rises shifting to more attacks in foreign countries as slope of line indicating relative cost of in-country and out-country attacks shifts more in favour of out- country attacks. Thus High vigilance Countries like US and Israel face highest threat in foreign locations on regular basis ( embassies, tourist spots)-GRAPH 2
Higher security for same reason leads to fewer but more intense attacks( graphs 3)- If cost of domestic support is increased through whistle blowing or other legal acts, more attacks will have fewer domestic support components and thus will be closer to borders. Incidentally perhaps we can conclude that by location of attacks we can conclude where an attacks has predominantly local or foreign origin in conjunction with other evidence. ( the analogy that can be given here : if domestic component price of any imported good rises, sellers will find it easier to sell high import content products than before - more attacks that are planned outside the country) -GRAPH 4
- More micro level conclusions can be inferred ( in conjunction with MAX-OBJ –FN explained below in previous articles) –which areas, which locations, cities, times have higher probability as also which mode/routes( land/sea/air) may be preferred by terrorists)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Use of Indifference curves/isoquants to show anti terror policy effects
Sunday, August 2, 2009
economic aspects of war on terrorism ( contd)
- In the first reference to this ongoing article ( April-May 2009) it was mentioned that terrorism must be interpreted as a lost cost war by perpetrators and that will open new avenues for policy .
There are many reasons that it is an efficient low cost war by Pakistan.
Acts of terror are actually created by extremely poor, uneducated youth- a source of extremely low cost capital: all that is required is brainwashing and training at existing infrastructure.
Alternative of using army with full international backlash is avoided- but results are much superior. Minimal use of resources, minimal backlash, minimum internal disruption ( as in full scale open war) and maximum damage in enemy territory.
There is merit in argument that long run development ( of Pakistan) provides hope for containing terror. In the above context, supply of low cost so called Jehadis” will be extremely difficult overtime- an important element of terror supply network. But this may be a long time coming given extreme poverty in these regions and low rate of growth.
From Indian perspective , the question is how can unilateral action dramatically increase cost of supporting terrorism almost on par with effect of full scale war.
It seems that diplomatic initiatives may have achieved little: there is no cut in aid to Pakistan, no extradition of people involved or serious domestic trial carried out. Time horizon of one or two years is too short to judge if terror activity has declined as a result of diplomatic initiatives
Quick short & serious armed response has the merit of creating great uncertainty, upsetting opposition planning in a seriously effected economy.
- (added and edited) Game theory could be utilized to examine Pakistan;s response by looking at payoffs to both countries in situation a. india uses non aggression option to check Pakistan terror attacks situation b when India uses aggresive approach. Unfortunately 26/11 provided ideal condition for launching an anti terror attack that could have been used to project future Pak response and payoffs. But even Kargil war may have important elements of information thatcould be used to construct payoff matrix for two countries under alternative scenarios
India has not considered serious Trade based initiative (trade embargos) as a way of increasing cost of supporting terrorism apart from stopping bus services etc
What are the other ways in which cost of supporting terrorism can be dramatically increased?
More conclusions (With reference to previous posting ( July 31)
From theory of externality it is shown that increasing initiative to protect oneself from terror threats ( say a city, or commercial establishment) increases cost of terror on other parties as terrorist shift their focus on more vulnerable groups.
Hence we can predict that as countries increase vigilance in their own country, there will be more attacks on their citizens located in vulnerable spots( e.g attacks in foreign embassies, hotels etc which meet the criteria mentioned in point 1 in previous article.
As indicated before, frequency of attacks will be replaced by fewer but more intense attacks
Friday, July 31, 2009
(Economic) Policy for dealing with acts of Terrorism
1. Terrorists in their objective function are hypothesized to maximize media exposure which in turn is maximized by maximizing damage from combined damage to ostentatious buildings and human casualties. This leads to inference that terrorist activities may be more concentrated to certain times and day of the year, to certain locations (see 2 below).
2. Terrorists like any rational agents would like to minimize costs of operations or losses/risks subject to objectives defined. In Indian context it can inferred that terrorist activities would be mostly confined to border states lying closest to origin of terrorist networks. This is because longer the distance traveled greater the risk of exposure before the events though this is not the only reasons why border area will be most vulnerable.
3.Point 2 also leads to inference that deployment of counter terrorist resources must be skewed towards these areas – not just in capital .
4. Maximizing Media exposure as stated in point 1 is the main intermediate objective. This suggests the need for Indian media for strong self regulation. Strng states with high control over media (China, Russian in previous incarnation as USSR) probably had fewest acts of terrorism though this theory needs to be tested over other countries.( were there fewer terrorist acts before sudden burst of electronic media in last few decades?)
5. Developed countries ( as proxy for better ant terrorist resources) will see fewer but more devastating acts of terrorism which will have great deal of randomness/unpredictability associated with their approach(9/11 could be superseded by bolder/newer/more inventive acts in developed countries or countries target of terrorist networks). This is because only way terrorist organizations can maintain their tempo against ever sophisticated and stricter vigilance is by more detailed planning, more training, more mobilization – requiring many years of planning. Lower population density and need to max “profits” from such acts in these countries adds to the argument.
6. A strong innovative and highly rewarding whistle blowing policy must be combined with stringent punishment. Latter will involve treating all involved in the outer fringes of terrorist planning on par with actual perpetrators and planners. The “Outer fringe people “have lower commitment to the cause and lower capacity to endure (capital) punishment and possibly more susceptible to monetary awards. This will help to increase the costs of planning terrorist activities and substantially increase risk of failure.
7. In dealing with acts of terrorism, too little emphasis is place on technical substitutions between armed response and other possibilities. ( According to one commando( “ He (“terrorist”) did not deserve to be saved”- post Mumbai 26/11). Imagine the kind of information that could be extracted if there were more than one surviving terrorists post 26/11’. By extracting such information more and more planning networks are destroyed,(edited) forcing them to plan afresh from beginning, apart from furnishing many other proofs). A second aspect of technical substtiution is information that can be gathered without risking lives and more productive action that canbe taken. E.g Flying robotic insects capable of transmitting photos and sound, weapons that can think their way through buildings and immobilize people instantly , tags that can tracks people and trawlers/boats are already available or well within realm of possibility since some of these technology are used in space missions and recent wars.
8. It follows from 5 but also applicable to other countries that terrorist acts requiring greater resources will be bunched together. i.e one act is an indication of anothsimilar terrorist act in pipeline or happening elsewhere in proximity. (edited: This follows from economies of scale argument since there may be large fixed costs assocaited with carrying out most/large terrorist acts) There is some evidence from histroical data but needs closer scrutiny.
To be continued………
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Some further remarks on Making “unprofitable roads” profitable
Yesterday Economic Times(July 29,2009 ) article on Private Investment in highways by Dr Ram Singh argues that bundling unprofitable roads along with profitable roads for bidding as suggested in some section, may not work as this will bring down rate of return combined projects. However if period of concession itself becomes a bidding point as suggested in preceding posting (scroll down below to read) then combined projects is possible but apparently not necessary. But still combing them may help to spread risks. Secondly if number of kms of roads completed under BOT scheme in rural-semi urban areas is added as enhancing the technical qualification and commitment of bidders , it may help to win prestigious projects. Timely completion of rural /semi urban schemes will signal many positive qualities about the bidder
Rights to develop adjacent low value properties and large potential jump its value in fast growing economy is critical to making unprofitable rural semi urban roads profitable. The profitability can be further boosted if government authorities allow developers to siphon off part of taxes/dutes/cess( one time or recurring) on properties that come up in predetermined zones( as in radius of X km all hospitals hotels, educational institutes, commercial concerns that come up independently). The argument is similar to baseline argument put forward in CDM projects for climate change. Many such commercial establishments would not have come up in absence of rural roads hence they should pay developers even if they are located outside “right to develop property” zones awarded to developers. However instead of levying new taxes which can dampen development of rural economy, governments should share or let go certain taxes/duties etc on such new properties for certain number of years.
However it is easier said than done. This can work best if there are no competing developers in the same zone( which road network facilitated investor interest in commercial property development?). It is not irresolvable issue. (feeder roads may closer to one section than others). What is more difficult is will of government authorities to make necessary legal changes allowing sharing of revenues from commercial property deemed to be outcome of newly developed roads
Making “unprofitable road “profitable for private sector (or PPP models)
- Making “unprofitable road “profitable for private sector (or PPP models)
Normally Indian experience with privatization of road /highway construction under various forms of BOT approach is that only roads that lie close to /or in active economic zones are successfully taken up by private sector. “Roads” which lie in obscure or economically depressed areas are seen as high risk.( there are other reasons- high positive correlation between state govt attitude and economic viability of the proposed “road corridor”).
However we know from experience that what was absolutely barren areas decade or two ago are now flourishing areas of economic activity. This trend is likely to be intensified in coming decades.
This suggests an alternative bidding approach to make roads in semi urban-rural areas not covered by ongoing and proposed government programmes. Private sector should allowed to bid for “non tollable” roads on two parameters- cost per unit of technically defined roads( fixed technology) and period of concession. Concession period is normally used on tolled sections. However where development rights on adjacent land is given, concession period acquires a new avenue of profitability. Longer the concession given ( bid for) higher the chances of making huge gains from appreciation of land values and for such unsaturated areas, the lottery element of gains is higher.
The bidding could work on two parameters which may be weighted or valued iteratively. That is, first short list on costs and then in second round of bidding private sector could demand “concession period” or vice versa( which may include toll-ability plus land value appreciation). There are a number of variations which may be considered. For one, there may be a clause to increase “concession period” for a fixed penalty per year of extension for “X” maximum number of years if winner fails to recover costs in agreed concession period. This will reduce risk for winner but at a cost. Bidding process should turn out to be efficient. Another alternative is final winner could be superseded if losing bidder offers an agreed 10%( or x%) cost and time advantage. However given the high value of future “roads” for the economy it is better not to unnecessarily fine tune and squeeze the bidders ending up with the “winners’ curse” like situation where winner ends with a losing proposition due to overobsession with competition
However under this scheme investors with deep pockets and small future discount rates and less risk averse outlook may win to gain repeatedly. But no scheme is without some negatives
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Option to banning plastic bags
Plastic bags have been banned by government on grounds that they are environmentally unsafe. They pose a hazard to animals and also clog drains. It is not clear if the production of plastic bags involves any climate related adverse effect. Apparently it does not- otherwise the plastic industry originating from the same basic chemical compounds would need to be banned.
Hence the real issue is in disposal, not so much production and use of plastic bags. Hence we need to look for solutions that severely reduce use and disposal of these bags. One and not unique solution is suggested. Observed behaviour indicates that people tend to hold on and reuse high quality plastic bags- even when they are free. Hence government should create incentives and disincentives for increasing use of high quality plastic bags. If ordinary plastic bags can be banned, it should be much easier to introduce high quality durable bags. Obvious advantage is reduction is waste turnover. Further it may be easier to separate such bags( when discarded) from rest of trash reducing hazard to animals and reduce clogging of drains. The high price of such bags, its attractiveness and durability would all ensure repeated use. These could also serve as effective advertisement medium –something ordinary plastic bags cannot do. Thus plastic bag producers could get a double relief- some relief from banned plastic plus additional revenue from advertments. There probably would be huge market for picking, treatment and recycling such discarded bags- both its price and ease of identification/retrieval should enable that.
Other options: Often it is suggested paper bags or cloth bags could replace plastic. Former would involve heavy and unsustainable environmental costs in tree losses. Paper bags are rarely of high durability and certainly not for all seasons. Latter would require land use changes when the source is jute raw material and are of course difficult carry easily (when not in use). Recycled material may be best but will be unable to meet India’s large and growing demand. Taxing use of ordinary plastic bags( in the normal sense) probably has superior alternatives as indicated
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Article on economic aspects of Countering cross border Terrorist activities
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The New Govt Must act tough with the High and Mighty Corrupt
Why the new government must go whole hog at corrupt in high places-starting with politicians
- Today an article appears in Times of India exhorting the New Government to keep out tainted and corrupt politicians. It is difficult to understand why historically governments have not taken tough or tougher measures against misuse of power. Now winds is blowing in the right direction to take measures against such people in power or access to power. Here are the reasons why it is best to act now
- People's refrain everywhere when discussing politics is about Development and Corruption. In recent times we have seen how people reward politicians genuinely trying for development ( though there are some aberrations). Anti corruption measures (including criminals) against the mighty "Untouchables" can be a mighy image booster with real effects that will accumulate over time. It is less likely to considered an "eyewash' or gimmick when taken up a "clean govt", more effective when taken at start of election cycle, when taken up without coercion from outside such as judiciary or opposition. In recent times perhaps only Mayawati( against some criminal MPs minister) and BJD govt in Orissa took tough measures. ( did it dent their image because of such measures ?).
- Many of us are accustomed to accepting and thinking certain process must go through a time cycle. Whether it is population reduction, personal growth or development,. There are examples across the world- of nations, people and organizations - which convincingly strike and destroy these long accepted "time" theories.
- Corruption with its incarnations can have the following impacts; some are recognized;, others may be not so much. That mere a small percentage of development money reaches its beneficiaries is often repeated. It also means when read together with examples of local leaders in different part of India that development is not as capital expensive/resource intensive as is often thought. Corruption also has a serious potential implication that may cut across the normal zone of influence of a leader"- security. Corruption can be a serious drawback to entrepreneurial spirit ; to creation of trust and team work; to focusing of energy in right direction.
- Anti corruption seems to be a high return low cost investment both politically and economically. So why successive governments do not act tough to boost their image and their election prospects?
- Of course corruption has seeped in the segments of society, some of which may be difficult to trace and therefore dislodge.
- Perhaps Media has not fully utilized its potential in this direction. This may be best done by acting together; creating new bench marks for people in power and creating internal competition. There cannot be a more powerful countervailing institution than media ( if it does not loose its independence to corporate shareholders and HNIs investors )
- We may soon see some entrepreneur making Anti Corruption a highly profitable and widely participative activity. It should not be hard.
Friday, May 15, 2009
edited version Role of Other Ministries in Solar Power Unit
Institutional requirements: Creating policy and institutional environment for Solar power industry
Falling oil price is a mirage and a temporary phenomenon. In future both rising prices and climate/environment concerns will make it imperative to promote solar power in a big way as that is India' s natural advantage.Also falling costs and minitiaruization of solar components( higher kw/per unit area of panels/cell) will make solar power increasingly attractive. So who will be next Tulsi Tanti of Solar industry.(may be Tulsi Tanti himself as he set eyes on solar after his phenomenal success .)
For this a Special Cell must be created comprising the following ministries with clear cut responsibilities for their solar cell.
- Renewable energy ministry( for obvious reasons, tech expertise)
- Commerce Ministry ( for fast tracking proper incentive policies for import/export of components
- External affair ministry may play a n important role in raising contacts/funds(indirectly)
- Ofcourse Cell for them may have to approved by a parliamentary process(perhaps?)
- Links with external agencies like UN to support research and development
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Special Unit for expanding solar power in India
Institutional requirements: Creating policy and institutional environment for Solar power industry
Falling oil price is a mirage and a temporary phenomenon. In future both rising prices and climate/environment concerns will make it imperative to promote solar power in a big way as that is India' s natural advantage.Also falling costs and minitiaruization of solar components( higher kw/per unit area of panels/cell) will make solar power increasingly attractive. So who will be next Tulsi Tanti of Solar industry.(may be Tulsi Tanti himself as he set eyes on solar after his phenomenal success .)
For this a Special Cell must be created comprising the following ministries with clear cut responsibilities for their solar cell.
- Renewable energy ministry( for obvious reasons, tech expertise)
- Commerce Ministry ( for fast tracking proper incentive policies for import/export of components
- External affair ministry may play a n important role in raising contacts/funds(indirectly)
- Ofcourse Cell for them may have to approved by a parliamentary process(perhaps?)
- Links with external agencies like UN to support research and development
More later
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Re: [FM83906-54] Access our predictions/website on your mobile internet-EASILY
Read it on your mobile
to access our predictions easily and quickly on your gprs enabled
/internet ready mobile phone. do the following
1. go to in your mobile browser
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3. choose box option whether to see images/photos/charts or not "GO"5.a alternatively just save address "" in your mobile browser and visit using the bookmark.( will available soon)
browser on mobile will now show TEXT version of the site withlist of
contents( by heading). You can also click on "orange icon" _RSS feed r
ATOM feed. All the predictions will open as heading and links.
You can "book mark" the above site in step 1 and2 adn so there is no
need to type address again.
see for more very useful tech tips
[FM83906-54] Access our predictions/website on your mobile internet-EASILY
to access our predictions easily and quickly on your gprs enabled
/internet ready mobile phone. do the following
1. go to in your mobile browser
2. in the dialog box type our web address or
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browser on mobile will now show TEXT version of the site withlist of
contents( by heading). You can also click on "orange icon" _RSS feed r
ATOM feed. All the predictions will open as heading and links.
You can "book mark" the above site in step 1 and2 adn so there is no
need to type address again.
see for more very useful tech tips
Price limit not met: Prediction based Trade no 9: Us market April 15- 30 profitable prediction based trade series
to access our predictions easily and quickly on your gprs enabled
/internet ready mobile phone. do the following
1. go to in your mobile browser
2. in the dialog box type our web address or
3. choose box option whether to see images/photos/charts or not "GO"
browser on mobile will now show text version of the site withlist of
contents( by heading). You can also click on "orange icon" _RSS feed or ATOM feed. All the predictions will open as heading and links.
You can "book mark" the above site in step 1 and 2 so there is no need to type address again.
see for more very useful tech tips
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Prediction based Trade no 9: Us market April 15- 30 profitable prediction based trade series
to access our predictions easily and quickly on your gprs enabled
/internet ready mobile phone. do the following
1. go to in your mobile browser
2. in the dialog box type our web address or
3. choose box option whether to see images/photos/charts or not "GO"
browser on mobile will now show etx version of the site withlist of
contents( by heading). You can also click on "orange icon" _RSS feed r
ATOM feed. All the predictions will open as heading and links.
You can "book mark" the above site in step 1 and2 adn so there is no
need to type address again.
see for more very useful tech tips
Access our predictions/website on your mobile internet-EASILY
/internet ready mobile phone. do the following
1. go to in your mobile browser
2. in the dialog box type our web address or
3. choose box option whether to see images/photos/charts or not "GO"
browser on mobile will now show etx version of the site withlist of
contents( by heading). You can also click on "orange icon" _RSS feed r
ATOM feed. All the predictions will open as heading and links.
You can "book mark" the above site in step 1 and2 adn so there is no
need to type address again.
see for more very useful tech tips
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Book profit: Trade 8 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 14 US market market
We have missed the booking profit at high point of the day so far when dow was -34 , quiet close to profit booking levels for ist options
: Trade 8 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 14 US market market
dow 30 down 63 points after mts of trade
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Global promo compaign- be part of this comapign
If youw ish to promote our stock market prediction servcies globally call me or send sms with email at
update: Trade 7 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April9 Indian market market
Unfortunately limit price set for buy call otpions by /before 1 pm occurred between 1-2( closer to 2 pm) hence the trade abandoned although market has gone up and would have been profitable
Trade 7 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April9 Indian market market
Nifty down about 6 points at nearly 11 am
Profit booked-Trade 6 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April9 Indian market market
Nifty put 3300 pemium reached high of Rs 109.
Trade 6 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April9 Indian market market
Nifty up over 45 points afer 5 mts of trade
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
when to book profit? Trade 3- "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 and beyond Indian market market
Profit on Trade 3 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 and beyond Indian market market
Re: Update: Trade 3 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 and beyond Indian market market
10 options Nifty 3200 purchased at Rs 71.25 -the opening premium.
Update: Trade 3 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 and beyond Indian market market
Add 10 more call options to previous lot purchased at Rs 140 on Monday
Profit & Loss: Trade 5 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 7 US market
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Update: Trade 5 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 7 US market
Trade 5 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 7 US market
dow down -133 points after 5 mts of trade
Profit on Trade 4: Trade 4 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 US market
Monday, April 6, 2009
further Update: Trade 4 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 US market
Dow 30 is call option just about profitable with net gain of 25 points or $ 125.(see chart)
Update: Trade 4 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 US market
In previous posting profit booking level was not mentioned.
Trade 4 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 US market
Update: Trade 3 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 and beyond
Trade 3 "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 and beyond
Update: Trade 2: "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 and beyond
Trade 2: "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series April 6 and beyond
Buy 6 nifty calls options at limit price of 143 and another 5 at Rs 135.
Market may surge after correction in last hour.same trend of bounceback after correction hold for the week.
Protect profits after gains of Rs 15 per lot with traling stop loss of Rs 5
usual disclaimer applies
Pls note chart for previous prediction did not appear due to file ext issues
Saturday, April 4, 2009
date of Swearing-in?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April 2009 Predictions for US stock market
Based on Tarot cards US indices like dow 30 likely to see net gains over March 31 closing -(7609)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April 2009 Predictions for Indian stock market
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
April 2009 Predictions for US and Indian market
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Virtual Trading Fund
The above fund trading indcies based on indices was started On april 1,2008. Over 100 trades( numbered) were ordered and less than 100 trades carried out( due to price limits etc)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
"30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Re: Trade 2: "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series
Prediction based Trade 2 for Indian market may be posted on Monday subect to power availability & favourable opening trade
Re: Trade 1: "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series
Trade 1: It may be seen Trade 1 was loss making $230(see rules below for calculations)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Trade 1: "30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series
Sunday, March 15, 2009
"30 Profitable Trades" Prediction series
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Chart: Intra day prediction for Tuesday March 10 2009 Prediction-US market
THIS PREDICTION WAS SENT TO A SELECT GROUP ONE HOUR BEFORE US MARKET OPENED TODAY(SEE DAY CHART ABOVE SO FAR)Dow 30 index : Inspite of some encouraging signs, market may correct initially but reach day's high around 1-2pm.In last 90 minutes approx. a strong correction/loss of gains is possibleStrategy for Today :1.Buy call options if dow corrects 50 points or more in first 60 minutes 2. Buy Put options in last 90 minutes of trade today
usual risk disclaimer applies
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Intra day prediction for Tuesday March 10 2009 Prediction-US market
usual risk disclaimer applies
Chart : Intra day prediction for monday March 9 2009 Prediction-US market
Dow 30 at +27 after first few minutes after a negative start.Buy 1 call option if dow hits negative 50 and two lots more if dow hits -100 in next 2 hours. dow expected to hit a peak or day's highest point in afternoon between 1.30- 3pm.last 30-40 minutes may be very volatile with (temporary?) loss of gains. hence protect profits if gain of 70 pioints on each lot is made with trailing stop loss of 25 pointsusual risk disclaimer applies
Monday, March 9, 2009
Intra day prediction for monday March 9 2009 Prediction-US market
Dow 30 at +27 after first few minutes after a negative start.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Chart : Intra day prediction for March 6 2009 Prediction-US market
Dow in last on hour of trade has shown the above peak pattern today.A bigger fall is possible between 11.30 and 1.30 ( US time). Buy one dow Put option now at Dow (=+30) and another if put if it rises to +80 in next one hour.In last 70-80 minutes of trade indices might surge up from all day low levels .hence protect profits on above trades
Friday, March 6, 2009
Intra day prediction for March 6 2009 Prediction-US market
Dow in last on hour of trade has shown the above peak pattern today.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Intra day March 5 2009 Prediction-US market
Previous prediction as is obvious is for Thursday March 5,2009
Re: March 2009 Prediction-US market
dow down 94 points after 40 minutes of trade. Market could bounceback over next 2-3 hours but a sharper fall is possible in last 70 minutes of trade and again some bouceback is possible in last 15 minutes. Overall last 70-80 minutes coudlbe especially volatile.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
March 2009 Prediction-US market
Usual risk disclaimer applies
Friday, February 27, 2009
March 2009 Prediction-Indian market
Based on tarot cards, early part of march could see bounceback possibly indicating rate cuts by RBI.Though March will be punctutated by some strong correction in middle of march and also very end of march ,overall upward movements in indices and net gains are possible.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
March 2009 Prediction
site can be accessed for next few days
Review: Intra day prediction US market wednesday feb 25.2009
The Prediction yesterday was
dow 30 down 161 points after 50 minutes of trade.Cards indicate indicate index could see a rebound duirng last 2 hours of trade possibly hitting intra day high between 1.30pm and 3.30 pm( US eastern time).Buy 1 dow 30 call option when dow hits -210 and exit if loss extends to -270. protect profit on a gain of 70 points with trailing stop loss of 25 points.disclaimer: this is contrarian prediction amidst negative news in can be accessed for next few days
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
intra day prediction feb 25 US market
dow 30 down 161 points after 50 minutes of trade.Cards indicate indicate index could see a rebound duirng last 2 hours of trade possibly hitting intra day high between 1.30pm and 3.30 pm( US eastern time).