Tuesday, March 4, 2008

India Business Opportunities Reports

Order India Business Opportunities Reports

You can now order India Business Opportunities Reports for the following prepared by Economist and a team of professionals. Fees are different for each report depending on whether they are for bulk re-sale/distribution or exclusive use

1. Integrating Green Strategies in your company's short,medium and long term company's investments plans (interactive)
2. Renewable Energy (India/State Specific)
3. State/City Specific Business Opportunities for up to three sectors
4. Business Opportunities in Jatropha cultivation & processing
5. Grid Connected wind farms
6. Grid Connected Solar PV based generation
7. Investing in SEZ8. Sectoral reports from stock market perspective
8. India's entertainment & consumer industry(multiplexes,Malls etc)
9. India's education sector
10. Status and opportunities in Global Carboon credit market
11. Business Opportunities In India's rural economy
12.Others (based on discussion)

send an email to indiabizreports@yahoo.co.in with your full details or call 09911698256
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